Ch Chantilly Look Before You Leap




1st NADAC Titlist

2nd Elite Regular Titlist

NADAC (The North American Dog Agility Council), formed by Sharon Nelson of St. Maries, Idaho, had its first trial on the 4th of July, 1993 in Graham WA. .It was created to provide vigorous competition with emphasis on smoothness of flow and speed of performance.

Currently 143 Beardies are competing in NADAC. Beardies have been competing in NADAC since May of 1996.

Standard Titles earned by our Beardies so far:

   Novice  Outstanding Novice Superior Novice  Open Outstanding Open   Superior Open   Elite  Outstanding Elite  Superior Elite  NATCH  NATCH2  NATCH3
 Regular 100 NAC 2 O-NAC 1 S-NAC 48 OAC  7 O-OAC  2 S-OAC 29 EAC  4 O-EAC  1 S-EAC  2 NATCH  1 NATCH2  1 NATCH3
 Jumpers 100 NJC 9 O-NJC 2 S-NJC 59 OJC  6 O-OJC  4 S-OJC 26 EJC  11 O-EJC  4 S-EJC
 Gamblers 69 NGC 2 O-NGC 1 S-NGC 28 OGC  3 O-OGC  3 S-OGC 16 EGC  6 O-EGC  1 S-EGC
 Tunnelers 50 TN-N 4 O-TN-N 2 S-TNN 26 TN-O  4 O-TN-O  1 S-TN-O 13 TN-E  9 O-TN-E  5 S-TN-E
 Weavers 23 WV-N 3 O-WV-N 2 S-WV-N 9 WV-O  1 O-WV-O  1 S-WV-O 6 WV-E  2 O-WV-E  1 S-WV-E
 Touch N Go 22 TG-N 4 O-TG-N 1 S-TG-N 8 TG-O     4 TG-E  2 O-TG-E  
 Versatility 12 1  1 6     2 1        


NADAC Agility Champion

First NATCH-NADAC Agility Champion-Jerry Bergen with Breezy - 9/17/00

Veteran NADAC Agility Champion

First V-NATCH-Veteran NADAC Agility Champion-Jerry Bergen with Breezy - 8/18/02
Or NATCH2 - 7/05/02

Veteran NADAC Outstanding Agility Champion

First O-V-NATCH-Veteran NADAC Agility Champion-Jerry Bergen with Breezy - 8/16/03
Or NATCH3 -5/31/03
Triple Superior
First Triple Superior Elite-Jerry Bergen with Breezy- 6/02/02
First Triple Superior Open-Shiela Franklin and Bracey - 11/05/05
First Triple Superior Novice-Shiela Franklin and Bracey - 8/29/04
First Novice Versatility - Joanne Williamson and Rob - 2/21/04
First Outstanding Novice Versatility-Shiela Franklin and Bracey - 10/29/05
First Superior Novice Versatility-Shiela Franklin and Bracey - 11/05/06
First Open Versatility - Nikki Ryan and Smitten- 3/11/05
First Elite Versatility - Nikki Ryan and Smitten- 9/24/05
First Outstanding Elite Versatility-Jack Buhite with Caper - 12/31/06
Standard Regular Classes
First NAC-Novice Agility Certificate - Iris Berry and Spiff - 5/27/96
First O-NAC-Outstanding Novice Regular Certificate- Nancy Layton and Scout-11/16/02
First S-NAC-Superior Novice regular Certificate-Shiela Franklin and Bracey - 7/18/04
First OAC-Open Agility Certificate - Betty Winfield and K.C. - 7/20/96
First O-OAC-Outstanding Open Agility Certificate - Christiana Taylor and Jake - 2/09/02
First S-OAC Superior Open Agility Certificate-Barbara Stone and Colton-9/12/04
First EAC-Elite Agility Certificate - Jerry Bergen with Breezy - 10/25/97
First O-EAC-Outstanding Elite Agility Certificate - Jerry Bergen with Breezy - 11/7/98
First S-EAC-Superior Elite Agility Certificate - Jerry Bergen with Breezy - 4/29/00

Standard Jumpers Classes

First NJC-Novice Jumpers Certificate - Betty Winfield with K.C.& Miss C - 7/07/96
First O-NJC-Outstanding Novice Jumpers Certificate - Mary Lott with Patsch - 8/09/97
First S-NJC-Superior Novice Jumpers Certificate-Shiela Franklin and Bracey - 6/05/04
First OJC-Open Jumpers Certificate - Jack Buhite and Skyedance - 1/26/97
First O-OJC-Outstanding Open Jumpers Certificate - Christiana Taylor and Jake-2/16/03
First S-OJC-Superior Open Jumpers Certificate - Barbara Stone and Colton-10/05/03
First EJC-Elite Jumpers Certificate - Jack Buhite and Skyedance - 5/31/97
First O-EJC-Outstanding Elite Jumpers Certificate - Jack Buhite and Skyedance - 6/21/98
First S-EJC-Superior Elite Jumpers Certificates-Jerry Bergen with Breezy - 10/13/01
Standard Gamblers Classes
First NGC-Novice Gamblers Certificate - Betty Winfield with Miss C - 7/20/96
First O-NGC-Outstanding Novice Jumpers Certificate-Shiela Franklin and Bracey - 5/23/04
First S-NGC-Superior Novice Gamblers Certificate)-Shiela Franklin and Bracey - 8/29/04
First OGC-Open Gamblers Certificate - Betty Winfield with Miss C - 7/19/97
First O-OGC-Outstanding Open Gamblers Certificate - Christiana Taylor with Jake - 8/24/02
First S-OGC-Superior Open Gamblers Certificate - Christiana Taylor with Jake-6/19/04
First EGC-Elite Gamblers Certificate - Charles Gibson with Mikie - 8/09/98
First O-EGC-Outstanding Elite Gamblers Certificate - Jerry Bergen with Breezy - 8/20/00
First O-EGC-Superior Elite Gamblers Certificate - Jerry Bergen with Breezy - 6/02/02
Standard Tunnelers Classes
First TN-N-Novice Tunnelers Certificate - Carol Colavecchio with Truman - 3/24/02
First O-TN-N-Outstanding Novice Tunnelers Certificate - Tracy Hill with Gusto - 2/20/05
First S-TN-N-Superior Novice Tunnelers Certificate - Tracy Hill with Gusto - 6/12/05
First TN-O-Open Tunnelers Certificate - Jack Buhite with Caper - 12/8/02
First O-TN-O- Outstanding Open Tunnelers Certificate - Linda Porter with Bailey - 7/11/04
First S-TN-O- Superior Open Tunnelers Certificate - Linda Porter with Bailey - 2/05/05
First TN-E-Elite Tunnelers Certificate - Neil Bryden with Talisker and Jura - 4/13/03
First O-TN-E-Elite Tunnelers Certificate - Neil Bryden with Talisker - 10/26/03
First S-TN-E-Elite Tunnelers Certificate - Neil Bryden with Talisker - 10/03/04
Standard Weavers Classes
First WV-N-Novice Weavers Certificate-Neil Bryden and Talisker-3/15/03
First O-WV-N- Outstanding Novice Weavers Certificate - Linda Porter with Bailey - 2/05/05
First S-WV-N- Superior Novice Weavers Certificate - -Shiela Franklin and Bracey - 9/17/05
First WV-O-Open Weavers Certificate - Neil Bryden with Jura - 7/06/03
First O-WV-O- Outstanding Open Weavers Certificate - -Shiela Franklin and Bracey -11/19/05
First S-WV-O- Superior Open Weavers Certificate - -Shiela Franklin and Bracey -7/28/06
First WV-E-Elite Weavers Certificate-Neil Bryden and Talisker-1/15/05
First O-WV-E-Outstanding Elite Weavers Certificate-Jack Buhite with Caper - 6/19/05
First S-WV-E-Superior Elite Weavers Certificate-Jack Buhite with Caper - 6/18/06
Standard Touch N Go Classes
First TG-N-Novice Touch N Go Certificate -Carla Mortensen with Britt - 3/09/03
First O-TG-N-Novice Touch N Go Certificate - Tracy Hill with Gusto - 5/14/05
First S-TG-N- Superior Novice Touch N Go Certificate - -Shiela Franklin and Bracey - 11/05/06
First TG-O-Open Touch N Go Certificate - Amy Steltz and Bobby-6/18/04
First TG-E-Elite Touch N Go Certificate - Amy Steltz and Bobby-3/06/05
First O-TG-E-Outstanding Elite Touch N Go Certificate - Amy Steltz and Bobby-6/05/05


(Pet Portraits by Pam and Sherry)



Baliwyn's Precious Friend




1st Elite Titlist-5-18-97
1st Elite Regular Title-5-18-97
2nd Elite Jumpers Title-4-25-98
1st Outstanding Elite Regular Title-11-7-98
1st Triple Elite Titlist-7-17-99
2nd Elite Gamblers Title-7-17-99
1st Superior Elite Regular Title-4-29-00
2nd Outstanding Elite Jumpers Title-4-29-00
1st Triple Outstanding Elite Titlist-8-20-00
1st Outstanding Elite Gamblers Title-8-20-00
1st Championship-NATCH-9-17-00
1st Elite Gamblers Veteran Title-5-13-01
1st Outstanding Elite Regular-Veteran Title-7-14-01
1st Outstanding Elite Jumpers-Veteran Title-10-28-01
1st Superior Elite Regular-Veteran Title-6-01-02
1st Superior Elite Jumpers-Veteran Title-6-02-02
1st Outstanding Elite Gamblers Veteran Title-7-05-02
1st Veteran Championship-V-NATCH-8-18-02
1st Veteran Championship-O-V-NATCH-8-16-03


Firsts by Beardie:

First NAC-Novice Agility Certificate - Iris Berry and Spiff - 5/27/96
First NJC-Novice Jumpers Certificate - Betty Winfield with K.C.& Miss C - 7/07/96
First OAC-Open Agility Certificate - Betty Winfield and K.C. - 7/20/96
First NGC-Novice Gamblers Certificate - Betty Winfield with Miss C - 7/20/96
First OGC-Open Gamblers Certificate - Betty Winfield with Miss C - 7/19/97
First OJC-Open Jumpers Certificate - Jack Buhite and Skyedance - 1/26/97
First EJC-Elite Jumpers Certificate - Jack Buhite and Skyedance - 5/31/97
First O-EJC-Outstanding Elite Jumpers Certificate - Jack Buhite and Skyedance - 6/21/98
First O-NJC-Outstanding Novice Jumpers Certificate - Mary Lott with Patsch - 8/09/97
First EAC-Elite Agility Certificate - Jerry Bergen with Breezy - 10/25/97
First O-EAC-Outstanding Elite Agility Certificate - Jerry Bergen with Breezy - 11/7/98
First S-EAC-Superior Elite Agility Certificate - Jerry Bergen with Breezy - 4/29/00
First O-EGC-Outstanding Elite Gamblers Certificate - Jerry Bergen with Breezy - 8/20/00
First NATCH-NADAC Agility Champion - Jerry Bergen with Breezy - 9/17/00
First S-EJC-Superior Elite Jumpers Certificates-Jerry Bergen with Breezy - 10/13/01
First O-EGC-Outstanding Elite Gamblers Certificate - Jerry Bergen with Breezy - 6/02/02
First V-NATCH-Veteran NADAC Agility Champion - 8/18/02 or NATCH2 - 7/05/02 - Jerry Bergen with Breezy
First O-V-NATCH-Veteran NADAC Agility Champion - 8/16/03 or NATCH3 -5/31/03 - Jerry Bergen with Breezy
First EGC-Elite Gamblers Certificate - Charles Gibson with Mikie - 8/09/98
First O-OAC-Outstanding Open Agility Certificate - Christiana Taylor and Jake - 2/09/02
First O-OGC-Outstanding Open Gamblers Certificate - Christiana Taylor with Jake - 8/24/02
First O-OJC-Outstanding Open Jumpers Certificate - Christiana Taylor and Jake-2/16/03
First S-OGC-Superior Open Gamblers Certificate - Christiana Taylor with Jake-6/19/04
First TN-N-Novice Tunnelers Certificate - Carol Colavecchio with Truman - 3/24/02
First O-NAC-Outstanding Novice Regular Certificate- Nancy Layton and Scout-11/16/02
First TN-O-Open Tunnelers Certificate - Jack Buhite with Caper - 12/8/02
First O-WV-E-Outstanding Elite Weavers Certificate-Jack Buhite with Caper - 6/19/05
First S-WV-E-Superior Elite Weavers Certificate-Jack Buhite with Caper - 6/18/06
First Outstanding Elite Versatility-Jack Buhite with Caper - 12/31/06
First TG-N-Novice Touch N Go Certificate -Carla Mortensen with Britt - 3/09/03
First WV-N-Novice Weavers Certificate-Neil Bryden and Talisker-3/15/03
First TN-E-Elite Tunnelers Certificate - Neil Bryden with Talisker and Jura - 4/13/03
First WV-O-Open Weavers Certificate - Neil Bryden with Jura - 7/06/03
First O-TN-E-Elite Tunnelers Certificate - Neil Bryden with Talisker - 10/26/03
First S-TN-E-Elite Tunnelers Certificate - Neil Bryden with Talisker - 10/03/04
First WV-E-Elite Weavers Certificate-Neil Bryden and Talisker-1/15/05
First S-OJC-Superior Open Jumpers Certificate - Barbara Stone and Colton-10/05/03
First S-OAC Superior Open Agility Certificate-Barbara Stone and Colton-9/12/04
First Novice Versatility - Joanne Williamson and Rob - 2/21/04
First O-NGC-Outstanding Novice Jumpers Certificate-Shiela Franklin and Bracey-5/23/04
First S-NJC-Superior Novice Jumpers Certificate-Shiela Franklin and Bracey-6/05/04
First S-NAC-Superior Novice regular Certificate-Shiela Franklin and Bracey-7/18/04
First S-NGC-Superior Novice Gamblers Certificate-Shiela Franklin and Bracey-8/29/04
First S-WV-N- Superior Novice Weavers Certificate-Shiela Franklin and Bracey-9/17/05
First O-WV-O- Outstanding Open Weavers Certificate-Shiela Franklin and Bracey-11/19/05
First S-WV-O-Superior Open Weavers Certificate-Shiela Franklin and Bracey-7/28/06
First S-TG-N-Superior Novice Touch N Go Certificate-Shiela Franklin and Bracey-11/05/06
First Outstanding Novice Versatility-Shiela Franklin and Bracey - 10/29/05
First Superior Novice Versatility-Shiela Franklin and Bracey-11/05/06
First Triple Superior Novice-Shiela Franklin and Bracey-8/29/04
First Triple Superior Open-Shiela Franklin and Bracey-11/05/05
First TG-O-Open Touch N Go Certificate - Amy Steltz and Bobby-6/18/04
First TG-E-Elite Touch N Go Certificate - Amy Steltz and Bobby-3/06/05
First O-TG-E-Outstanding Elite Touch N Go Certificate - Amy Steltz and Bobby-6/05/05
First O-TN-O- Outstanding Open Tunnelers Certificate - Linda Porter with Bailey - 7/11/04
First S-TN-O- Superior Open Tunnelers Certificate - Linda Porter with Bailey - 2/05/05
First O-WV-N- Outstanding Novice Weavers Certificate - Linda Porter with Bailey - 2/05/05
First O-TN-N-Outstanding Novice Tunnelers Certificate - Tracy Hill with Gusto - 2/20/05
First O-TG-N-Novice Touch N Go Certificate - Tracy Hill with Gusto - 5/14/05
First S-TN-N-Superior Novice Tunnelers Certificate - Tracy Hill with Gusto - 6/12/05
First Open Versatility - Nikki Ryan and Smitten- 3/11/05
First Elite Versatility - Nikki Ryan and Smitten- 9/24/05

Libby Myers-Buhite
BCCA Agility Co-Chair
25 January 2007

Off To A BAD Start


BAD Greetings from Libby!

How We Got to Be So BAD

Are You BAD Enough to Join Us?

Beardie Agility Chat Line

BAD Feedback




BAD Handlers - Membership

BAD Dogs - Agility Beardies

Agility Beardies at the Rainbow Bridge

BAD Member Breeders Directory



BAD BEARDs-Northeast
BAD-Southwest, Texas and Mountain
BAD WAGs--Western Agility Gatherings
BAD FADs--Finnish Agility Dogs



BAD Awards

BAD Honors Top Beardies

Beardie Agility Firsts


BAD News-1/30/07

BAD Things to Come  

BAD Advice

BAD Attitudes and Tales

BAD Goods

 BAD Links

North American Dog Agility Council


Bearded Collie Legs and Titles

on the NADAC Website


NADAC-What It Is and Beardie Firsts


SEARCH for NADAC Beardies

NADAC Title Holders

NADAC Statistics


Top NADAC Beardies 2006


NADAC Firsts


NADAC Rules and Regulations


Upcoming NADAC Events


Beardies at the NADAC Nationals